industrial design
positivity rainbow2.jpg

AKRIBIAN - User Research

User Research

2022 - Akribian

I was the User Research Manager at Akribian in 2021-2022, working on the app Count on me, a maths learning app where children can learn math in a beautiful magical adventure. A digital environment working with game embedded teaching.

Using design thinking I established and maintained test user relations with shools, parents and children. In my role I planned, conducted user tests and qualitative interviews. I then analyzed and presented user research results, working both with longterm goals and in a sprint planning context.

I also ran team workshops for ideation and did benchmark research. I worked closely with the development and marketing teams.

“Jag har inspirerats av Isis sätt att bemöta våra användare -- både vuxna och barn -- och sammanställa alla insights till vackra och lättsmälta presentationer” - CMO

“as a user researcher, she connects with people, asks the right questions, analyzes the answers and finds patterns. She is also a visual genius and carries the skills to visualize her findings and insights in ways that make her presentations understandable for everyone.” - Content manager